
House Broke In

Guys, bad story...
My Kajang house kena broke in juz now around 9sth am to 1sth pm.
Noone at home....
My hp and camera got stolen, my roommate's kena laptop then another housemate kena camera too...
The person thinking of taking my laptop too but i guess he juz came alone..tak cukup tangan...and my roommate's laptop is in her bag so the person juz angkat terus. Mine, he moved from my place to my roommate's bed with the intention to stole it too.
Thank god that he din stole my laptop. If not i wont be sitting here online...
I am so worry that he is coming back again as my laptop he havent stole. Next time no matter where i go the laptop will follow me.
My house 2 doors kena he 'giao' until rosak d...have to repair..Wtf
I curse that person to death....
So sui. So tulan...ChaoCb


WiLLeo~W@lK3r said...

u have just move into that house nia ler, how come like this?! But remember go everywhere must lock all your barang berharga or bring along when you wanna out.

Lavin said...

stay one year d...
now juz happen this kind of things

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