
1st time acupuncture

Today 1st of feb 2010, i went to c 中医 because my ligament not able to recover in short time , and also become more serious d. The tabit said i need to recover in a short time, then he direct give me the acupuncture for 10 minutes. The needle masuk my muscle almost 5cm long but i have no feel on it too... That acupuncture is quite pain de, luckily not need to do it for half an hour if not i will pengsan on the spot. Haha... After the acupuncture, i feeling good for this moment... I need to do some hand exercise so that i can recover back in a short time.

He also gave me a stronger medicine and said if i still feeling pain after finish that medicine then i need to take 2nd time acupuncture pulak...


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