Hi guys, I went to Singk with my fren last week...
Sorry for the late updated picture.

The Drinks
( Honey Green Tea is nice.. I love it)

OMG...Junk Food
(Don't worry, i really had it a bit bit only)

LOL...My picture


And Again..

She is my first year ex-roommate.
She studies Pure Biology...Smart Student. Result above3.7 all the time...
She is from Kedah

This is Chen's coursemate. We know each other as we always hang out together.
She is from Johor

Three of us...Chen,Lavin,Tian

Lavin and Tian..

Chen and Lavin
Do we look a like?
Too many people talked about us as sister.
I mean real sister-jie jie and mei mei..
Hm...But i still think i m more prettier....
ooi, now economy melosot.....u go sing k more?
hahahha~~~kidding~~~ajok me mar~~~
but me r busy lo....hoho
ooi~~`economy merosot la....
u still go sing k?
ahahahh~~just kidding~~~
ajok me mar~~~ but me busy la....hahaha
Wei.. I also 10years go sing one time only..
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