Hi guys....Happy valentine day o..
As i mentioned before in my previous post, i had an appointment for body massage today. Guess what, the massage make my whole body damn pain now. It was actually a so called ;bamboo body massage' from Baverly hills Bodyline. Heard from the beautician that the massage will make a person feel relax and we can actually feel that there is a bit of warmer. But however, I didn't feel any relax or 'hot' to my body...haha...But somehow this massage is good as i didn't feel any uncomfortable to my body as my previous previous body massage really torturing me. Good news in that The beautician even added that the bamboo body massage can give effect of slimming as well... * wink*....
Some other how, today is valentine ma....Must have something to do...So i went to have my ear pierced after the massage. Thanks to my jimui that companied all the time...She asked me the reason for the sudden ear piercing... Well... It is Just a stupid valentine present for myself..haha
Anyway guys, hope you all enjoy your valentine no matter it is full of suprise or it is just a normal 14feb... ")
P/s: Chong Min Tat leaving to Australia tonight... I gonna miss him.. OMG.. and especially the Belut as well. May god blessed him
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