Hi guys....Why it seems that the blog is not updated for so long?
Everyone sure is busy with assignment, presentation and of course thesis right..
Don't worry, i will keep the blog updated as long as i am free ( actually i am free all the time :P )
In the previous post, i mentioned i went to had my ear pierced right on valentine day. But after a week the hole gone. Damn it. It is due to my reckless actually because i did not take good care of it. I had egg for my dinner that night. After 2 days, the ear started to feel pain so i had to take out the earing. And after one week i had to said bye bye to my 'er dong' lo. No hole at all on my ear now. Sob Sob... :(
Guys, when will you finish your exam? My exam will be finish on 7may. 3 weeks of period padahal just 6 papers to go. Haha...
S.Wei you will be going back KB for practical too right? confirm get already? Mine suppose to confirm but i haven't get letter from High Court yet. Will see how then last confirm with you again. You also let me know how your progress ok. :)
Oh ya.. I will be going back to kb on next thursday as 9march is prophet's birthday so mon is public holiday ( actually it holiday also doesnt matter with me as mon i dont have class). Wasting my monday holiday only as Wilayah holidy also on monday, thaipusam holiday also on monday, and now prophet's birthday also on monday. Wtf. ...
Ok la...I will stop here. Update again on next eipsod ok..
Take care
Posted by Lavin 2 comments
Lavin's valentine time
Hi guys....Happy valentine day o..
As i mentioned before in my previous post, i had an appointment for body massage today. Guess what, the massage make my whole body damn pain now. It was actually a so called ;bamboo body massage' from Baverly hills Bodyline. Heard from the beautician that the massage will make a person feel relax and we can actually feel that there is a bit of warmer. But however, I didn't feel any relax or 'hot' to my body...haha...But somehow this massage is good as i didn't feel any uncomfortable to my body as my previous previous body massage really torturing me. Good news in that The beautician even added that the bamboo body massage can give effect of slimming as well... * wink*....
Some other how, today is valentine ma....Must have something to do...So i went to have my ear pierced after the massage. Thanks to my jimui that companied all the time...She asked me the reason for the sudden ear piercing... Well... It is Just a stupid valentine present for myself..haha
Anyway guys, hope you all enjoy your valentine no matter it is full of suprise or it is just a normal 14feb... ")
P/s: Chong Min Tat leaving to Australia tonight... I gonna miss him.. OMG.. and especially the Belut as well. May god blessed him
Posted by Lavin 0 comments
Valentine Day
Hi guys, valentine is approaching lo...
any plan??? How to celebrate??
Anyone with new status nowadays???
hm...i dun have date..sob sob..
but i have an appointment for body massage...burn away my FAT that built up for years..
Guys, hope u all have a wonderful valentine day ok.....
Miss much much
Posted by Lavin 1 comments
Happ1 Chap goh meh.....
haizz finally can login 2 our blog...... hehe paise ha long time dnt come in 2 c our blog 4get d password d~
how was you guys de chap goh meh har??? me at here very very sienzzz! no celebration jz go pasar malam ta bao nia nia.... sad@_@
wish u all happ1 last day of CNY n stay healthy oways....
miss u all! muacksss
Oooops except khang coz last few days jz c him hehehe~
Posted by w3ndy 2 comments
Good Job
So good...finally our blog got music liao...haha.......very happy...thanks lavin..
I find long time liao but dunno how do it eh...pai sei..
Posted by Keen 0 comments
Grettings from Kajang
Hi guys, how school after CNY???
Sure will be full of assignment, presentation and test right....
Hopefully everyone stay healthy all the time for the war ok...
Miss the time we spent together...
Take care and keep in touch ok...
Posted by Lavin 0 comments