

昨天与一大班朋友搭巴士从大学城去jb 市区,恰好昨天又是大宝森庆典的日子,马路的车辆多到恐怖,要去city square shopping mall 也得花上一粒钟多也。


马路原本是有4条lanes的,都被车辆逼出五至六条lanes,但还是一样的塞塞塞!!!我搭的巴士好恐怖哦,他为了要吃进隔壁lane,把车身一转,旁边的myvi 也就被我们的巴士吓呆了, 要往另一条lane 吃进去但车辆太多做不到,我们的巴士又一直逼着myvi让个位给他塞进去。。。在那几秒钟,myvi 如果再不向右移动,他的side mirror就要被刮倒了,结果那辆myvi也就只可以移动他的轮胎,但车身还是被卡在那里呢。。。

再过一下子,威武的咱们巴士又来展现它的势力了,我们的巴士为了避免塞车在众车之间,也就只好用最左边的lane了,比较快嘛。。。但那条lane 是属于巷口转入大道路的路口来的,那条lane到一定的段路就消失了,你一定得吃过来右边的。但我们的巴士就是用了这条lane,这时候从巷口出来的一辆proton wira一出到路口,正正的被我们的巴士卡在正左边,如果那辆wira 没有踩尽油门,冲向我们巴士的前面,他的车即将会被我们巴士的车身及wira 左边的路障压扁了。多恐怖啊。。。

还有还有。。。 大家都说大塞车的时候驾motorbike 是最快的,因为motorbike可以利用车与车之间的空间穿越,不用跟汽车们一起笨笨的塞在马路中。。。但我还是奉劝motorbike 骑士凡是以小心为上。为什么我这么说呢?因为这里的汽车一看到任何一条lane比较顺畅,他们就会直接吃过去,还是转完车盘的转咧,也是突然间的向左@右转的。Motorbike 骑士如果一不注意就会发生意外了!

恐怖的JB 市区!!!



Once again i am facing my future plan problem

Once again i am facing my future plan problem ...

I am now really pening with what am i going to do for my future,
Before that, i actually had decided to find a job after grad from utm,
but last week i suddenly saw an article inside a magazine which is related to undergrad student then i try to read it.

Then... my mind suddenly come out with an idea in which asking back myself ~ am i choosing the correct way for my future?! My future plan is that going smooth?!

So fan la...
I am really ble with my future again,
This is not my 1st time ble with it le,
i am still remember last time at hometown came out yamcha with lavin and keen, i am also so fan with it... but also came out with nothing...

This time, my parents asking me the same question again~ what is my plan after grad? I just trying to skip this question as i am totally not yet ready for the answer...

Today is 30th Jan 2010, i have already reach my final stage of my study life, am i ???

In this semester, i am only plan to enjoy my uni life since i may be dun have anymore chance to do it so...



Accident 26/01/2010

Sad to tell u guys that yesterday nite i have face an accident...

The accident is happen inside my campus...

When i ride motorbike reach the t junction, i am gonna to turn left into the cengal road, i have put my signal light to show to the car and sommore he should give way for me because i am in the main road.

Then i am trying to have right turn but the driver seems like does not realise that i am there, he just turn right and then knock me down...

The 1st things came out in my mind is not asking myself got any injuries on my body or not, but i am sad in that moment because of my motor. My motor appearance is still fresh and new !!! NOW... scar everywhere

Yesterday nite my friend bring me to tabit and i am using herbal paste now.
Hope can cure my hand in a short time, but my hand is pain till cannot sleep well...
And this morning my hand seems like worst than yesterday condition.

Tomorrow i still have a test on the morning, i really dunno am i able to use my right hand to answer the question or not...

Chinese new year is coming, this time is my 2nd time accident before cny.
1st time accident is because of tyre puncture when my friend wanna send me to tmn uni by bike.
2nd time accident is this time liao lor...

I can feel that my parent is very distressed ...

And i am distress with my beloved DAP motorbike...



Walks of Life

Finally, I have some WORDS to post on savileo blog again
after 321457689 yearssssssss...

This few months things keep changing in my life.
Studies. Emotion. Health.
Friendship. Relationship.
Finding Job.
I need courage to deal with decision I've to make.

I'm old enough
but i keep asking myself the same question.
' What i want in my life'
'What i want to be in future'

Question is easy
and the
answer seems to be easy too...
But i am not able to tell and give directly what i actually want.

Hm...People often says 'New Year New Resolution'
I'm still...not changing
And I'm still...searching my answer
Searching for a better way to get what i want
for the moment and in the future..

1. Want to be happy and looks confident.
Is a subjective feeling when it talks about happy and confident.
I can't remember when is the last time i'm happy.
Think deep, i probably have no happy memory.
Am i too choosy on happiness?
Or am i putting too much expectation on happiness?

2. Want to love my family more.
I love my daddy, love my mummy, love my sister, love my bros
I apologized that i always make them worry me.
From now onwards,
I promise i'll always be good.

3. Want to have more times with my bf.
He is my shoulder that i can lay on all the time.
I can express whatever on my mind to him whenever i want.
But the things is..
We are so near but yet far away.
We are working and study.
We are good but we are lack of time.
Lack of time to be together.

4. Want to be successful in life.
Start searching for a job now .
And i finally understand finding job is not an easy job.
Biggest problem is
I still not yet/ haven't
know what i want in way.
Conveyancing? Litigation?

5. Want to change.
Change to be a new me.
Need to practice ..
"Others people things i'm not interested''
'Do more talk less'
''Act dumb'

Well, I guess that is for this time

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